Over the summer, I noticed that a new growth. Yep, as the months went by and the heat increased, I noticed that I’d grown a receding hairline. In fact, it seems that the line of hair retreated faster than ever before. The hair fields were yielding dwindling crops. For years the fact that I’d someday be a “chrome dome,” but in the last year that fate has speed up toward being my reality.  

I admit that sporting a bald head isn’t something about which I’m too excited. Gouges and scars cover my head, and no one is going to think my hairless pate is at all attractive. THe question is whether this new look will be like my dad, who was bald on top but had ring of hair or my mother’s uncles, whose hair decided to stop short of leaving their scalps naked. Instead, they had enough hair to comb back and which left them looking somewhat strange, sort of like a space alien. 

Another thing that bugs me about losing my locks is that the dermatologist has frozen spots on my scalp for years, and they’ve also taken a knife and dug out some suspicious looking places. My head has a dent on the right side from on such session. Will all those freezings have changed the complexion so that I look like some kind of spotted varmint 

Maybe I should put a more positive spin on this balding. Mankind has profited from the contributions of bald men. During World War II, U.S. forces were led by Dwight Eisenhower. England outlasted the Nazi onslaught with the leadership of Winston Churchill. Ghandi led his nation in peaceful protest, and the man didn’t have a hair on his head.  

Many of the most well-known celebrities are as bald as a baby’s bottom. Some of them accept the fact that their hair has left them, while others have chosen to wear toupees instead. When Amy and I watch television, she can quickly spot those wigs, and she has shattered my admiration for so many stars. Sean Connery finally just gave up and let his bald head shine. Bruce Willis must have grown weary of those toupees and decided to appear “a natural.” Bravo for him.  

As of yet, no product reverses baldness. Oh, some products claim to do so, but from what I understand, the stuff works until customers stop using them. Those who are richer choose to have hair transplants. I don’t have that kind of cash; besides, I never have liked hair that grows in rows like silage corn.  

Amy has told me not to worry about being bald; she says she’ll love with or without hair. She has cautioned me, however, that I better not shave my head. That’s not something she’s fond of. I can’t imagine having so much hairless area for me to stare at in the mirror. There are no combovers in my future either. I went to college with a guy that had one, and every time a gust of wind came, those skinny locks that were so long stood straight in the breezes.  

can’t fight heredity or inevitability. The hair is thinning and disappearing. When most of it is gone, I will have the barber cut the sides short and the top slick. When haircut is finished, I’ll don a baseball cap and walk into the world timidly for a while. I wonder if I can get haircuts for half price when there’s nothing on top to cut. I wonder if I can get haircuts for half price when there’s nothing on top to cut.  

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