Going out in public is good for me. My wife has told me for
years. She implores me to venture out passed the boundaries of Ball Camp to see
what’s on the other side of life. I do so on occasion, but after those trips, I
wind up wondering what I was doing by leaving the confines of my home.

Along the same lines, I wonder how it is good parenting
turn a small child loose in public areas. I like young’uns, but like some
people don’t care for dogs, others aren’t overly fond of “rug rats.” I lose
patience when small folks run roughshod through seating areas. Especially
bothersome is a small, dirty hand grabbing hold of mine. Too, no adult can
abide having a strange child come up and begin touching personal belongings.
Neither do grown-ups want to spend time answering a storm of questions from a small
While we’re at it, can someone explain to me the reasoning
for someone taking up two spaces in a parking lot? Recently, I attended an
event at a high school. Because the county middle schools were also holding a
track meet at the same time, parking was at a premium. I searched for a space
and eventually found one. However, when I pulled up to it, I discovered that
the driver had parked his giant SUV so that the tires on the right side were
in the adjacent space. No one could pull in unless he were driving
something as small as an electric car. Another person parked across two spaces
in an effort to protect his shiny vehicle. Other angry patrons might have felt
justified if they’d have walked close to those vehicles with keys in hand. One
frustrated driver couldn’t find a space and decided to park his car on the edge
of the sidewalk directly behind the baseball field backstop. When a foul ball
zeroed in on the top of the BMW and, no doubt, dented it, folks shook their
heads and made comments about karma.
Yes, Amy is right that I should get out more. However, I’m
not sure that doing so is that healthy. By the time I arrive home, my nerves
are rattled, my patience is shot, and something on the bottom of my shoe is
sticking like Velcro. Public places can tests even the savviest social
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