Those of us who are old enough know the effects of age on
our lives. From our endurance during yard work or hiking to walking into a room
and trying to remember what our purpose for doing so is, we find that the
adding years deplete our energy and memory. That aging also changes sleep requirements.

During my high school and college years, I could survive
with little sleep. Late nights were normal, and the thought of going to bed
before 11:00 p.m. was embarrassing.
Curfew was midnight during high school, but
that didn’t mean I went to bed. Instead, I watched television until the
channels went off the air, or I’d listen to music. If a friend spent the night,
we’d stay up until the wee hours of the morning to talk and laugh about all
sorts of topics.
In college, I put in plenty of late nights. Studying was
always easier after most of the residents in the dorm had turned in for the
night. I had to put in the work to make up for the lack of effort I gave during
high school. During final exams, I pulled “all-nighters.” I could trick my body
into believing that I’d slept enough by lying down for half an hour and setting
the alarm to ring every ten minutes.
Back in that time, I could stay up all night, but I made up
for it the next day. On more than one occasion, I’d crawl out of the bed around
noon. The rest of the day was little more than a fog as my internal clock went
I even could adjust my sleeping when the children were
little. Crying babies and sick toddlers destroyed sleep-filled nights. I
arrived home late from attending high school football, basketball, and baseball
games in support of some of my students, but still managed to rise the next
mornings on the way to school or for other activities.
These days, sleep is on my mind. I look forward to going to
bed but have no good feelings about getting up. Staying up late is replaced
with shamefully early ends of the days. My internal clock still rings between
6:00-6:30 each morning. For some reason, I fatigue early in the evening and
myself ignoring favorite programs in favor of lying in the bed. The
television plays on even though I have fallen asleep hours earlier. Of course,
sleeping through the night doesn’t happen…ever. Aches and pains in joints and
trips to the bathroom take turns awakening me at least half a dozen times in an
eight-hour period.
Someone once told me that I would require less sleep as I
grew older. I’m still waiting for that to begin. Even if I don’t make it to bed
early, I fall asleep in my recliner. The only good thing about that is my wife
Amy and the dog consistently fall into a state of unconsciousness long before I
do. Maybe when we both no longer work, we’ll be able to stay up like we used
to. For now, I’ll just snooze early and often.
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