The Kavanaugh debacle filled the airways with lies. The
Republicans and Democrats both spun every
aspect of the affair to their own
advantages. Allegations by Dr. Ford rocked everyone on both sides of the aisle.
The problem became figuring out how to confirm a man who had been accused of sexual
assault . If the victim were as credible as all declared, how could Kavanaugh
be confirmed? If he had been unjustly accused, apologies were owed to him.
On the heels of that event came the murder of Jamal
Khashoggi. Saudi Arabia took time to cover their tracks in the commission of
this murder. With the entire world watching, Saudi leaders lied over
and over
as they struggled to find a story that would stick. Next, some government
officials tried to tie Khashoggi to extremist groups in an effort to discredit
the horror of his death. What remains is the fact that the man entered the
Saudi consulate in Turkey and never came out. Neither the leaders from the Middle
East nor the ones in our country can put a spin on this story that will make it
What is most important to all politicians is that their
sides come out on top. For some reason, “the common good” has been erased from
the workings of the government. In its place, the self-serving actions of
representatives who are hell-bent on keeping their jobs are witnessed every
Right now, the airwaves are bombarded with political ads
paid for by candidates or PACs. They spend millions of dollars telling voters
that opponents running for office are liars. The worst about individuals is
spread across television screens; however, most of the stuff consists of
half-truths or out-and-out lies. Our politicians now appeal to the public’s
baser instincts.
Even the executive branch of the government is filled with
lies. Leaders of government departments have been caught using “alternative
facts.” They’ve lived in luxury at the taxpayers’ expense, and when questioned
about their actions, these people either swear they didn’t know the acts were
wrong or that someone else led them astray. Their actions defraud the American
people and damage the agencies which they oversee.
When we were children, our parents told us that lying was
bad. It was that simple. Some of us were punished for fibbing. As parents
ourselves, we’ve passed along to our children the wrongness of telling lies.
How are they to believe us when after witnessing the folks who lead our country
telling untruths or bending facts to support their agendas?
According to legend, George Washington stated he could not
tell a lie when asked if he cut down a cherry tree. The principle of telling
the truth is, in large part, firmly fixed in that story. How disgusted the
first president would be if he were to experience the rapid-fire lying that has
become part of the country’s leadership. We owe it to ourselves to demand
better from the country’s elected officials and to insist that they serve as
models of truthful individuals. In short, we need the president and our representatives
to speak out and be true leaders.
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