John McCain passed last week. Since then, many Americans
have thought about the man and the services he gave to his country. He is in
the truest sense of the word a patriot and a hero.
First of all, I wasn’t an avid supporter of McCain. When he
ran for president, I did not vote for him. His ideas were, in many instances,
just a bit too hard line or conservative for me. The man’s decision

During his time in the senate, I sometimes cursed his
over-the-top demands for more defense spending, tax cuts, and right-to-life
issues. He railed against many social issues, and too often, the man attacked
those who disagreed with him. However, McCain was one of the most well-liked
persons in the senate. Folks on both sides of the aisle remember that he often
apologized for being too harsh with them. Most important, he seems to have left
disagreements at the door of the chamber; when he exited, McCain was a friendly
and likable individual.
The stance he took on the vote over Obamacare was one of the
most courageous acts I’ve ever witnessed. Senators on both sides stood and
cheered his return to the Senate chamber on the night of the vote to determine
the program’s fate. In dramatic fashion, he turned thumb’s down and defeated
his own party. He voted to protect his constituents, and in the process, might
have protect millions of others who would have lost healthcare coverage.
It was also that vote that further made Trump hate McCain.
While running for president, Trump refused to recognize McCain as a hero. “He’s
not a war hero. He’s a war hero because he was captured. I like people that
weren’t captured.” Such an ignorant statement from a man who avoided service because
of bone spurs would have been the opening shot to a long, loud, noisy war
between two men. McCain never allowed that to happen. Instead, he went about
his business of serving the people of the country the best way he saw fit.
John McCain died from the cancer that attacked him a year
earlier. America grieves over the loss of one of its greatest heroes. The
picture of his desk draped with a black cloth and adorned with a bouquet of
white roses stings. A true leader has died. A man who stood up for principles,
order, and the rules of governing is now silent. He gave 60 years of service to
this country, but the man in the oval office denied him the flying of our flag
at half-staff and only spoke positively about him after the American Legion
sent a scathing letter and demanded the respect that was due to McCain.
Republicans and democrats will both deliver eulogies during services; they are rivals and friends of the senator. The sitting president will have to find
something else to do because he wasn’t welcome at the funeral.
So, another statesman has left us. Who will replace him? The
next senator should be someone who is just as much of a maverick as John
McCain. That means he or she will work for the good of the people, not for the
party or a petty leader. We need more people like McCain on both sides of the
aisle. If they come, congress just might once again work as it should. Thank
you, John McCain, for your service to all the people of the United States.
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