ones that are used to light up a celebratory sky.
Now, before anyone takes offense that I wrote disparagingly
about Lonsdale, read on. My dad worked at Southern Extract from the time he got
out of the army until he died some 30 years later. His parents
lived on
Louisiana Avenue for years. My grandmother later moved to a house on Minnesota
Avenue, and then she even lived in an apartment in College Homes. I spent hours
walking the sidewalks in Lonsdale, a treat for a young’un from the country, and
about once every month, Daddy loaded us boys into the car for a trip to Cooper
and Baldwin’s Barbershop on Tennessee Avenue for a buzz cut. (He always told us
he “didn’t like anyone with long hair and dirty shoes.”)
So, I do have fond memories of the community, although I
know it has drastically changed over the past few years. Many factors have
caused those downturns, but the government hasn’t been the only contributing
agent. I don’t pretend to understand the problems of inner-city living and
poverty; I’ve been blessed with a good life.
What has my blood boiling is the behaviors of those in the
crowd on July 4th who attacked others. Then some of the morons, yes,
I mean “morons,” attacked an officer who was attempting to apprehend one of the
perpetrators. These folks cry for help in protecting their neighborhoods, but
then turn on the very ones who are trying to do so. What gives?
I’m also blown away at the lack of respect for law
enforcement officers who place themselves in life-threatening situations to
make communities safer places. Yes, officers do sometimes make mistakes, but
overall, police officers do wonderful, heroic jobs that deserve our
appreciation and admiration.
Our country suffers right now from a lack of respect. Too
many of our countrymen don’t understand what the word means. It is an act of
showing acceptance and thanks and admiration to others who have put something
bigger than themselves first. Respect also deals with appreciating the
sacrifices that individuals make in order to protect the weaker of us.
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