I gave President Trump an “atta
boy” for his swift response to the Syrian gassing. That’s the first and only
time I’ve done so. The thing is that I’d like for this administration to be
successful, but too many
of the decisions already made show too little regard
for the good of the country and too much attention toward adding to the
fortunes of the wealthy. I worry about what their formulated plan is.
At the State Department, multiple
positions remain unfilled. Included are some that are vital to the smooth
running of our diplomatic efforts around the world. The halls have been
stripped of any photos of past speakers, a move that seems to be an attempt to
purge history. Secretary Tillerson only recently stepped out of his office to
travel to other countries, unlike past secretaries who spent much of their time
meeting and bargaining with leaders of other countries, both friends and foes.
Even worse, he refuses to allow even a small press pool to travel with him. Is
that because he doesn’t want the American people to know what is going on or is
it because he is hiding something?
The EPA is a shell of what it once
was. I suppose that some of the regulations that have been imposed might be
excessive. However, our planet is being irreparably damaged by man-made
emissions and mishandling of the earth. Naysayers proclaim that the evidence of
such destruction is questionable. In fact, the new leader of the agency, Scott
Pruitt, carried on a crusade against the very organization that he now heads.
He doubts scientific data about the effects of greenhouse gases on the
environment. If this administration continues with such blind disregard to
changing conditions, the president might rue those decisions when his
Mar-a-Largo resort slowly sinks into the rising waters of the Atlantic. Of
course, by then, any change of mind will be much too late.
The same problem exists at the
Department of Education. Sure, plenty of problems are present in today’s
educational system. However, appointing Betsy Devos to head the place is the
same as sending the fox to guard the hen house. Devos makes no excuses for her
dislike of public education. Neither she nor her children have attended such “terrible
places” for schooling. She now pushes for charter schools funded by taxpayer
dollars. That move will only take more money from public schools and plunge
them into more problems. Maybe this administration doesn’t want the citizenry
to be educated. An ignorant population allows itself to be ruled by dictators.
Besides, the Trump crowd assumes that no education is necessary for individuals
whose jobs are creating more wealth for them.
The in-fighting in the White House
tells us much about the folks who have been elected to lead us. On one side is
Jared Kushner and his merry band. He has been included in all-important areas
of our government. At the same time, he still has a fortune from his family’s
company from which he should have divested himself. He meets and deals with
countries with whom his businesses have dealt. That sounds too much like a
conflict of interest to my simple, middle-class mind.
On the other side are Steve Bannon,
Steven Miller, and Kellyanne Conway. This radical bunch is determined to tear
completely apart the government. In its place, they want a limited one that has
little power to direct the country or
states. Bannon and his ilk also want a
select few who think as they do to have free reign to do whatever necessary to
reach their goals. This group of extremists seeks change through fear tactics
and made-up stories. Less government means they can scheme and plot with little
fear of reprisal.
Yes, I am hopeful that
President Trump will realize what is best for the “entire” country, not just
his small group of friends and associates. I would be willing to say that I’ve been
wrong about him. The present facts, to the contrary, point to an administration
that flies by the seat of its pants and has no direction. We will pick up the
pieces of this destructive four years and hope to put America back together
again. Whether America remains the same guiding light and leader is questionable.
This might well be the beginning of the end for the greatness of our country.
Our children will inherit a second-rate homeland that destroyed itself.
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