By the end of the summer, the new subdivision just up the
road will be completed. Forty new houses line the streets. To my surprise, two
separate tracks bordering the development have been scraped clean of topsoil,
and work on phase 2 has begun. The additional land looks large enough to
accommodate 60-80 more dwellings. Does any governmental official ever look at
the impact of all these additional subdivisions?
The stated Knox County population for 2013 was 444,622, up
from 432,226 in 2010. That equals a .028 growth rate in three years, equivalent
to 12,396 individuals. I’m not sure such a paltry number justifies the
overbuilding in our area.
In the 1950’s and 60’s, I could walk to the store a tenth of
a mile down Ball Camp Pike. During the journey, I might encounter half a dozen
cars. Today, no one walks the s road that is the same size that it was 50-plus
years ago. The fear of being struck by a speeding car keeps people from even
trying. A study from several years back stated that the road carried
approximately 12,000 trips a day. With the addition of so many subdivisions,
the increase in traffic will make getting anywhere all the more difficult. The
Schaad Road extension, once called the new Ball Camp Pike, aimed to remove most
of the traffic. However, the recession choked off funds and the project died.
No new road and three railroad crossings can back up traffic for nearly a mile.
Just imagine the effects of so many more cars entering the main road from the
new developments.

The solution to this problem is simple. Folks can choose to
buy existing houses. Plenty are available, and many are of higher quality than
the new ones that pop up in only a couple of days. The cheaper
prices leave
owners cash for remodeling and adding rooms. Animals then have a chance to live
in a safer environment. It’s come to the point where me must live and let live.
The land is not ours alone.
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