Ah, the return to the classroom brings about both good and
bad memories. It recalls some of the same questions I posed so many years ago.
I hope I find answers to them before my time on this earth is done.
First, I still wonder what is the reason for demanding 4
years of English from every student. The same question applies to math and
science. Schools should construct their curricula in ways that meet

one person can survive well with 2 years of English, math, or science. Another student might need to concentrate on a core course when it directly relates to the future field of study he or she enters. A student who wants to pursue a specific trade skill might find vocational courses more beneficial than the overkill of so many years of a core courses.

Along the same lines, shouldn’t a complete education include
social aspects? Learning to get along with others is an important lesson.
Developing a sense of loyalty and community is accomplished more
through sports, band, and clubs. Those activities might be every bit as
important as calculus or physics since success many times is dependent upon
effective communication among individuals pursuing a common goal, and they are
learned in extra-curricular activities.
Third, is literature created express the passions or musings
of authors? So often, the beauty of a novel or play or poem is obscured by the
insertion of endless analysis. Does the author tell of the hidden meanings of
his story? Does the poet choke his message with attention to correct rhyme
scheme and meter? The use of figurative language is simply to make the passage
clear through comparison. In and of themselves, personification or metaphors or
alliteration are of no value. The joy of literature is the reading of it, not
the over analysis of it.

The good of my new role is that I merely babysit students.
Only on rare occasions do I teach them. The lack of change over the last 8
years caught me off guard. I supposed that the high demand for testing and
accountability had dramatically changed the educational model. Sadly, it
remains the same except for the introduction of technology. I can only hope
that those in charge will someday revise schools so that they address the areas
that will help to make students successful in their lives.