July 4th is one of only a few days that has become
a national holiday. We Americans know how to celebrate it with style. We spend
bundles on explosives that fizz or whir or boom for a few minutes,
and all
we’re left with are aching ears, smoke-filled eyes, and empty pockets. Still,
we think we know a good time when we see it. 
The fact is that Independence Day is something much more
than Boom’s Day. This is the one day when each of us should think about what
freedom means to the life, breath, and survival of our country.
I’ve heard about as much as I can stomach about the
Constitution and Bill of Rights from folks whose
main agenda is winning an
election or taking over power in our government. The Constitution is like the
bible; both are subject to personal interpretation, and every person can read
into them what he or she thinks will provide an edge. Neither the right nor the
left has all the answers. I’m pretty sure that none of us knows all that the
founding fathers had in mind as they cobbled together the Constitution. So,
let’s put a stop to those who declare that only they have the right answers.
If we are to be a nation that declares it offers freedom,
then it’s time make it available to all Americans. That means that we have to
accept as fellow citizens the Hispanics who have deep roots in the country. It
means that we have to include citizens who have different beliefs in religion.
It means that folks have the same rights to the good things of this nation,
even if their lifestyles don’t jive with ours.
Something else we must remember is that one person’s rights
end where another’s begins. No, you do NOT have the right to do whatever you
want because your actions might offend or encroach upon the lives of others.
Living in the U.S. is a privilege; I suppose it’s like winning the lottery. We
citizens of
this country are caretakers of it; we are charged with the solemn
duty to make it better than we found it. That means making the country a place
that does offer the last best hope for mankind. Of course, in achieving that
lofty goal, it follows that individuals from other countries will want to make
their ways to America so that they, too, can share in the bounty.
We can have differences of opinions. That’s one of the most
wonderful things that goes with the U.S. I can spout my beliefs and you can do
likewise. However, at some point, it is incumbent upon us, and especially on the elected officials whom we send to
Washington, D.C., to stop the debate, roll up sleeves, and find common ground.
Stalemates like we’ve seen the past few years have done nothing to make this
country greater; to the contrary, they’ve led to divisiveness and hurt feelings
and polarized sides. I contend that what’s been going on recently is the
antithesis of what our founding fathers had in mind.
the same time, remember that this country deserves our best acts to keep it the shining beacon to the rest of the world. We all might bow our heads and ask for just a bit of guidance on how to do that before the holiday is over.
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