Congratulations, graduates! You’ve reached milestones in
your lives. Some of you have survived or even thrived in a high school setting,
and now are ready to receive your diplomas and turn toward what lies ahead.
Others have put in long, arduous hours studying for classes or partying with

Now that you’ve finished your formal education, it’s time to
begin your education in the real world. First off, you’ll need to find a job.
Yep, it’s time to cut the apron strings and jump into your own life. Now, it
might come as a surprise, but most of you have no chance of becoming the boss
of a company unless you start one up yourselves. For the most part, you are
entry-level employees. That means you now must spend a few years learning how
businesses “really” run. Yes, theories are wonderful, but too often they bear
no resemblance to reality. You will begin at the bottom, so don’t think for a
minute that your salary will be equal to what you think you’re worth.
Promotions come as the result of employee production and
value to the company.
No longer do you live in a world where “everyone gets a trophy.”
Also, you no longer
can rely on parents to help you at work. Helicopter parents are never welcome
at companies. No matter how much your mom calls to protest your pay scale or delivers
excuses for your misbehaviors, you alone are held accountable for your actions.
Most companies aren’t interested in how you feel about yourselves. They follow
the logic that an employee can feel good about himself or herself after working
and succeeding in a job. Yes, they want their workers to have a good outlook,
but for the most part, that is something that comes from within the
The world runs on a set of rules, especially in business. It
is incumbent that each of you learn those rules and follow them. For example,
it is no longer acceptable for you to arrive tardy on a consistent basis. Doing
so will lead to your dismissal. At the same time, not showing up for work too
many times will lead to your firing. Some companies have dress codes, and you
are expected to follow them, even if you don’t agree with them. Your boss has
the right to tell you what to do; the subject is not up for negotiation unless
the request is for doing something illegal or unethical. If you don’t like
these things, that’s tough. Someone once said that what makes America great is
that if you don’t like your job, you have the right to find a new one.
Responsibility falls on you like a ton of bricks now. That
student loan that too many used to buy cars and rent plush apartments and
purchase all sorts of toys is now due. No amount of complaining will make it go
away. Your borrowed the money, and now it’s time to pay it back. That’s how
loans work.
Develop with institutions a workable payment plan and stick to it.
It might be wise for you to set aside a portion of your
income for retirement. Folks, social security might not be around for you, and
if it is, it won’t come close to covering your expenses. Don’t become someone
else’s problem. Take control of your future by preparing in the present.
Politically, it’s time to use more head than heart when
choosing candidates. Usually, extremes on both sides should be avoided. This
election cycle we have a man who is an avowed socialist trying to “start a
revolution.” For those of you who have become enamored with this revolution,
here’s a definition of socialism:
“a system of society or group living in which there is NO
private property: a system of condition of society in which the means of
production are owned and controlled by the state.”
I’m not sure that such a revolution is one that American
democracy favors. Realize that in most socialist states that tax rates take a
majority of your income. The individual desire to succeed is blunted. Think
about how such a revolution might impact your lives.
The other side offers a man who seems to be in love with
himself. He would rather hurl insults and buy opponents with dirt. All the
while, he presents a hodgepodge of ideas about which he changes his mind daily.
Be careful what you believe and whom you support.
So, I hope you celebrate and enjoy your special graduation
time. Life is about to get much harder; it’s a good ride, but it’s not easy.
Buckle up and get ready for adulthood and the real world.
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