I made a run to Costco the week before Christmas. My goal
was to pick up a few things that Amy had on her list. I arrived before the
place even opened, quick-stepped it through the entrance a few minutes later
and arrived back at the car in about 10 minutes. Leaning on the vehicle beside
me was folded stroller. As I began to inform the driver, he rolled down the
window and told me that his wife was on the phone with their daughter to get
instructions on how to open the thing up.

“I have two Master’s degrees; you’d think I’d be able to
open a stroller!”
It let him know that I had one such degree, and then we
chuckled. What else could we do? The next moment I spied a woman putting things
in the back of her SUV. “Ah ha!” She looks to be someone who can help. I walked
over to her, excused myself for bothering her, and then asked if she could help
two men open a stroller. She began laughing and shaking her head.
“I can’t help at all. I’m a grandmother, but I’ll be darned
if I can set one of those things up.”

A few years before, we were visiting our grandson in
Nashville. He wanted to watch a video, and I popped it in the machine. For a
couple of minutes, I punched buttons without ever hitting the right one. Madden
got off the couch and walked over to me. He asked, “Can I try it, P?” I handed
the remote to him, he hit a couple of buttons, and the video started. The boy
never said a word of teasing
or let a snicker pass from his lips. I suppose he
knew how dumb I already felt. 
I hope to have several good years left. However, what
concerns me is that the world will continue to change and leave me behind. My
generation probably feels more obsolete than any past one. Advancement in so
many areas occur much faster than in years past. We struggle to keep up, and
most of the time, men and women just give up and say “to hell with it.”
As this new year begins, my fellow baby-boomers, enjoy each
and every day that you live and every breath that you draw. Don’t worry about
not being a pro at using “new-fangled” machines. However, if you have
grandchildren and plan to spend time with them, you’d better learn how to open
a stroller.
Happy New Year!
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