I listened to the Democratic Debate a couple of weeks ago. No,
it didn’t have the flair for dramatics that came from the earlier GOP
gatherings, but some of the answers that the Dems gave for questions were every
bit as frustrating as Republican comments.

According to www.choice.org, 7000 teenagers drop out every
school day. In addition, 26% percent of students don’t graduate on time. That
sounds pretty much like an educational crisis. In any other business, such
numbers would lead to restructuring, downsizing, or bankruptcy. However, two
difference can be found with education. First, schools deal with people. By the
way, students are NOT products that can
be molded and consistently reproduced with a predictable standard deviation.
Second, we cannot allow the education of our children to fail as we might let
happen to a poorly run business.
The leaders of our educational system have decided to
institute “rigorous” curricula that spend more time on testing with asinine
methods than learning. Teacher morale is at an all-time low as pressure to meet
arbitrary goals increases. Students not only have to come up with 2 + 2= 4 but
also have to explain “why” that answer is true. HUH? Any time a “bean counter” is in
charge, the bottom line of success is measured in some kind of number. Forget
what kids learn.
Democratic presidential candidates urged that more money be
designated to education. They declare that the best way to find success in
education is to invest more cash in programs, regardless of their
effectiveness. In 2011-2012, a total of $12,042 was spent on each US child in
elementary and high school. That’s already
a bundle of money.

The best way to address the problems of education and the
performance of students is much simpler than what the “big dogs” would have us
believe. It’s as simple as developing a family approach to education. That has
several steps. First, parents demand excellence from their children. That means
that parents demand, not beg or ask, that children GO TO SCHOOL, perform at
school, and complete homework in the evening. The might place limits on the use
of phones, iPads, Xboxes, and televisions so that more important things can be
accomplished, things like reading or art or simple conversation.
Moms and dads can bring about dramatic improvements if they
place as much interest in their child’s classroom room performance as they do
in their athletic endeavors. That means encouraging them, getting them extra
coaching from some source for difficult subjects, and visiting school when
parent meetings are held. Involvement is the key to the woes of education for
many families. Parents need to parent and not allow children to quit education.
Any child who drops out of school is dooming himself to a life of poverty and
Right now, the U.S. does have a crisis in education. It’s
only cure will come when parents recognize the value of education, whether it
be academically or vocationally centered. Even if a parent himself was a
dropout, he owes it to the future of his children to demand that they complete
school and go on to develop skills that will lead to brighter futures. Let’s
start at home first in our efforts to improve education before spending piles
of money or offering voucher programs that won’t guarantee any more success.
1 comment:
Right in, Joe! The child also needs to come to school ready to learn - with 8 or more hours of sleep and a nourishing breakfast. Teachers should not be required to function as parents.
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