This world doesn’t look too familiar to some of us older
folks. From music to technology, the dramatic changes leave us puzzled and
asking, “Huh?” Even relationships between boys and girls are different. In
another century, teens who liked each other began dating. This is how we used
to do it.

in the kitchen or den. On hearing the phone ring, some of us would panic and hang up. We’d again dial the number and hyperventilate when the girls answered. Our hemming and hawing made conversations awkward, but with just a little encouragement from girls, boys would eventually ask them to go out.
With a little luck, dates were set, and the boy would
prepare. That meant washing the care and cleaning the inside. Long hot showers
calmed nerves, and “peach fuzz” beards were shaved and followed by splashes of
English Leather, Canoe, or Jade East colognes. The stuff almost choked anyone
who came too close to the vapors.
Knocking on the doors also brought on nervousness. Fathers
who opened the door struck fear in boys.
Dads didn’t trust them because they,
too, were once young teens and they know what things were on their minds. If
the situation worsened, the fathers might ask the most dreaded question: “What
are your intentions toward my daughter?” Only the daughters could rescue their
dates and sweep them out of the houses and away from such interrogations.
Date destinations back then usually were ballgames and
movies. Couples would struggle to converse at first, but eventually, things
thawed enough to let the teens feel a bit more comfortable. After events, they
went some place to eat. Either drive-ins like the Copper Kettle or restaurants
like Shoney’s were popular places. Males ate to settle nerves while girls
refused to eat or picked at food to give the impression that their appetites
were small.

Boys would eventually decide that their girls were special.
They would want to have an exclusive relationship with them That’s when class
rings were offered and the proposals for going steady were spoken. Those pieces
of jewelry always looked monstrous in female hands. Girls would put wax around
the inside parts of the rings
so that they fit delicate fingers,or they would
put them on chains and then wear them around their necks. If the boys played
sports, their girlfriends suddenly took possession of letter jackets.
Relationships became much more relaxed. Dates might occur at
the girls’ homes where the teens watched television or listened to music. For
some reason, couples became comfortable with each other, and they stopped being
quite so polite or thoughtful.
Before long, the excitement of the relationship fizzled, and
one of the couple decided to “break up.” The pain was almost too much to bear. Personal
items were returned. The phone calls stopped, and meetings in halls of school
or at public places were awkward.
Males and females were once again free, not something they
necessarily liked. The dating game began once again. Individuals acted slowly
to jump into other relationships for fear of being hurt once again. Before
long, however, old memories faded and new adventures were waiting. Teens again
jumped on the dating carousel and hoped for better results.
With a little luck, high school couples held on tight to
each other and developed a strong love that lead them to marriage. My brothers
and their wives dated and went steady in high school. Dal and Brenda stayed together
until he passed; Jim and Brenda have been married for 44 years. It’s nice to
know that sometimes “love lasts.” That’s how we did it, and in many instances,
it seemed to work out just fine.
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