The other evening, Amy sent me to her car to lug in the new
Christmas tree for our home. The one we have now is so large that it takes two
tree bags to store, and the darn thing weighs a ton, too much for me to wrestle
in and out of the house. Just like for most folks, however, a Christmas tree is
an integral part of our holiday.

The scent from those cedar Christmas trees filled the house.
We decorated them as a family and then, when the job was finished, we turned
off every other light in the house and plugged in the lights. Something magical
happened as if lighting the tree also jump started the Christmas season. The cedar
stayed until after New Year’s Day, and then it was stripped and taken to the
burn pile in the back yard. For the next year the tree remained in our thoughts
as we stepped on burr-like fragments that were trapped in the carpet.
When our children arrived, the family would drive to Topside
Road for our Christmas trees. We’d hunt acres of greenery to find one that was
full enough, tall enough, and cheap enough for us. A helper would dig around
the tree and wrap burlap around the dirt ball. I’d rupture myself loading the
thing into the car and then transporting it into the house. Lacey and Dallas
decorated the tree with special ornaments they’d made at daycare or school. Just
as in my childhood, I made them wait until the tree was decorated before
turning on the lights.
After the season, I once again hoisted the tree and headed
outside. We planted one tree in the front yard, and it thrived and grew large.
However, at some point, its roots began to infringe on the water line. I took a
saw and, with a heart full of regret, cut the tree. It was too much like losing
a good friend or family member because it always sparked holiday memories.
Now we spend time in Nashville during Christmas. That means
we must also put up a tree in the condo where we stay. It’s one of those small
ones from Dollar General Store. Guess what! It works just as well. We put gifts
in the floor under the table where the tree sits. The entire family doesn’t
seem to mind the pitiful “Charlie Brown” tree.
Yes, we have a new tree at home this year. It’s smaller and
more manageable, but it still helps usher
in the Christmas season. One year not
long ago, I declared that we wouldn’t put up a tree in Knoxville since we would
be out of town on Christmas. It was another one of my bone-headed dictates. That
year, Christmas never quite managed to work its way into our home, hearts, or
From now on, a tree will be set up in our home during
Christmas. We’ll decorate it, even if we only can enjoy it for a couple of
days. Just like a nativity scene, a Christmas tree seems to be a focal point of
the special season and something around which family and friends can gather. My
only hope is that Snoop doesn’t take it upon himself to water this artificial
tree while we are at work.
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