As most of my friends and family already know, I’m a “Judge Judy” fan. Yes, she sometimes makes arbitrary decisions that go against ones she’s made in the past, but that’s okay. Anyone who is so lacking in intelligence that he or she airs disputes on national television in front of millions of viewers deserves whatever comes.
What I’ve noticed of late is that lots of folks are drawing disability checks from the federal government. The ones I’m talking about are young people who look much healthier than many people in this country. One
female on the show just the other night stated that she received a disability check because her ability to work was limited because of asthma. Now, this same woman had a seven year old and a two week old child. Evidently, her asthma didn’t restrict all activities.
Please don’t get me wrong. I believe that some folks are entitled to disability compensation. One of my uncles had a bad heart and had suffered heart attacks and congestive heart failure. He applied for disability benefits but was denied several times before finally proving his need. Somehow that doesn’t seem right. One man who can’t work because he has a life-threatening condition fails to convince the federal government of his need; another young person who is 23 years old and has two children draws benefits as the result of a serious, but manageable condition.
According to the Social Security website, a whopping 8.9 million people receive disability payouts. Another report puts the number at 14 million. The average check is $1129.00 a month. Overall, $10 BILLION goes to those who are disabled. The number one disability is back pain and other musculoskeletal problems. They account for 33.8% of the claims. As a side note, I’ve had one surgery for a herniated disc in my neck and another surgery for a spinal fusion. I live from day to day and wonder when the next disc will herniate enough to require another incision. The fact is that I never received a dime of disability compensation, just like lots of others who would never think for a minute to hit up the government for money. After we heal, we return to work, even though sometimes the pain is almost unbearable.
If every one of these millions is truly disabled, I will be the first to demand that they be paid. It is our country’s obligation as a compassionate people to make sure the weakest of all receive the care that is due. However, if individuals have scammed the system and pick up monthly checks, the government must cut off benefits and demand repayment of them.
What probably needs to happen is the review of all 8.9 million cases. Most of them can be taken care of in a matter of minutes. The others might require longer investigations, but reviewing cases and ferreting out cheaters can save millions, if not billions, of dollars that can then be directed to helping folks truly in need.
I’m not talking about SNAP benefits, WIC assistance, or anything else that provides food and other basic necessities for people. No one will ever hear me say, “If they don’t work, they don’t eat.” Such bull goes against the very Christian values by which we profess to live. No, I’m talking about ending the free rides for those individuals who scam the system and claim so-called disabilities keep them from working. Surely to goodness, most of these back pain sufferers could find some kind of job where they can sit and work.

No one needs to call me callous because I question disability payments. I want those in need to receive what is needed. The others who cheat the system are the folks I want to have to work for their keep. Until that happens, all I can say is “Go get ‘em, Judge Judy.”

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