The state of Tennessee
has come up with another brilliant idea for improving schools and the education
they provide. How? Why, the legislators have decreed that all students must be
in school for 180 full days. Oh, the wisdom of our representatives is
overwhelming sometimes.
In Knox
County, that means
the half hour extra added to each day won’t count toward the required days,
although these accumulated 30 minute extensions put the schools over the 180
day requirement. So, the superintendent and the board are “figuring out” what
to do to meet the requirement by the 2014-2015 school year. As a former 30-year
employee of the system, I’ve got some suggestions for reaching the 180 day
plateau. I’ve also got some other bones to pick.
The first thing to do to meet the state requirement is
scuttle most in-service, now called “professional growth” days. They’re nothing
more than wasted time. During my tenure with Knox County Schools, I can think
of only a couple of valuable in-service days. At the beginning of the year,
most of them were spent in meetings as principals laid out the game plans or
figured out some way to hold teachers hostage for the required time.

Another thing the system can do to meet expectations is to
re-work the calendar. If each semester must be 90 days, it should be easy to
calculate when to begin and when to end. If school starts after Labor Day in
2013, students and staff could get out on December 20. They would return
January 6 and be out of school for Thanksgiving and the following Friday during
that part of the year. Students would be back in classes after Christmas break
until June 7 and would be out of school on Good Friday.
At the same time, the school schedule should be re-worked to
get rid of the extra 30 minutes that the state refuses to recognize as meeting
the extra time spent in the classroom. Oh, I don’t want to hear any squalling
about our schools needing to “exceed” the minimum. At the same time, the five
built in snow days should be removed from the schedule. If one is used, the
year can be extended at the end.
The best way to improve our schools comes not from adding
days but from teaching our kids. That means systems need to put a stop to
endless testing. The papers are filled with stories about test strategies,
scores, and rankings. In the end, what a child scores on one test is more
important than what he learns in the classroom. Teachers need to be able to
teach without fear that low scores will threaten their jobs. How many in the
community would place their fates in the hands of individuals ranging in age
from 6-18?
Our legislators are making decisions on the educations of
our children. A look at the committees in the state senate and house indicates
that three members have no college degrees and only three have any experience
in the field of education. How can they make such important decisions without
having any experience with schools other than the time they attended or their
children attend them?
I loved the time I spent teaching high school English. At
the same time, I’m thankful that I retired after getting in my 30 years because
schools don’t do what they once did. It’s a safe be that I wouldn’t survive in
today’s environment. I just hope wiser folks begin making decisions on
1 comment:
I taught 34 years and completely agree with your comments. I don't understand the problem. Days don't matter. Just allow teachers to teach!
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