Citizens are disgusted with and
tired of the intransigence of both sides. These so-called “intelligent” folks
need a kick in the behind.
Perhaps the
representatives in our country’s capital should listen to a song by Diamond
Rio. Titled “Meet in the Middle,” it offers the best practical advice for
solutions to the gridlock and partisan politics. The chorus says,
I'd start
walking your way
You'd start walking mine
We'd meet in the middle
'Neath that old Georgia pine
We'd gain a lot of ground
'Cause we'd both give a little
And their ain't no road too long
When you meet in the middle.
You'd start walking mine
We'd meet in the middle
'Neath that old Georgia pine
We'd gain a lot of ground
'Cause we'd both give a little
And their ain't no road too long
When you meet in the middle.
How simple can an answer be? Kids
learn this lesson at an early age. Two toddlers reach for the same toy. A
squabble and tug-of-war ensues. However, parents intervene and teach them to
share. It’s a hard lesson to learn, but an important one. As they grow older,
kids work to make things okay. That comes in making teams fair or empathizing
with others enough to allow them a chance at being first. The kindness of their
hearts and that sense of fair play make them seem wiser than most of us adults.
We grown-ups learn to compromise in
all phases of life. In our jobs, we negotiate for salaries or raises. Just
completing many tasks requires us to get along with others and make
concessions. The art of a sale many times depends upon both parties’
willingness to “deal.” We begin to understand the importance of teamwork and
how each person’s talents are necessary in order to successfully accomplish a
A marriage should be the epitome of
compromise. Two individuals who are from different families with diverse
traditions and beliefs join forces. In every aspect of their new life, these
husbands and wives must give and take. Sometimes that means one might gain an
advantage, but in the next situation the other might win. The division of
chores at home and the care given to children are all parts of that life of
compromise. Without a doubt, many of the marriages that end in divorce are the
results to failure to compromise. It’s difficult to give in some, but the end
product of not doing so is painful to husbands, wives, and children.
As parents, we learn slowly and
painfully to compromise. When our children are born, we make statements about
what will and won’t be allowed. Our inflexibility continues until our offspring
enter their teen years. It’s then that we moms and dads discover the art of compromise.
What actually happens isn’t compromise; instead, it is the realization that
some things aren’t worth fighting over, so we lead our children to believe that
we are making concessions. We look like understanding parents and save our
energy for other situations that are much more important.
So, the American people expect the
elected officials to do what we’ve been doing all our lives: compromise and get
along. We are disgusted with fights over ideologies. The folks in D.C. were
sent there to represent the welfare of their constituents, not to bow their
backs in a game of who’s right and who’s wrong.
Senators and representatives get it
together and accomplish something. Our financial security is at stake. Do
something to improve your image to an American people that is ready to vote all
of you out of office. Like the song says, give a little ground and meet in the
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