Dad uses Facebook to teach daughter a lesson: A 15-year-old puts up a Facebook post bashing her parents for making her work too hard, dad reacts by posting a video response to her grievances on her Facebook page.


Now, let's look at this thing "rationally." I can identify with the dad. He's busting his hump to provide for his family. From his own story, it sounds as if his life has been a rough one, but he's endured and perservered enough to overcome the obstacles. He'd like to think his daughter would be appreciative for the good life that she's been given. In return, he expects respect, love, and, above all, peace.

The daughter sounds like a typical teenager in many ways. I remember the rebellion of one child at about the same age. The second waited until a few years later in life to make a statement. In both cases, I wanted to knock some sense into them, but Amy convinced me that I'd only make things worse.

This daughter also sounds like a spoiled brat. She would rather have others wait on her and fulfill her every wish. I'm sure she's not the most pleasant person to be around much of the time.

The truth is that the dad (and mom)are reaping what they have sown. If this daughter is spoiled, they set the course for that characteristic. Just like too many of us parents, we've given too much to our children to the point that they feel entitled. Young people want what they want "right now!" Waiting isn't in their vocabularies.

The murder of the computer was "overkill." The dad told that he'd just spent hours and $130 updating it. Who's more hurt by the gunning down of the laptop: dad or daughter?

I also might lay odds that before too long, this irate man will reach deep into his pockets and pull out cash for a new computer to replace the one he shot. It's another case against guns.

Hey, kids dirve us parents crazy. They bitch and moan all the time. Nothing ever makes them happy. Then, all of a sudden, something happens in their lives, and moms and dads aren't the enemy any longer. Parents become wise people for whom children a new appreciation and a deeper, lasting love.

The daughter needs a butt kicking: that's for sure. However, the dad needs to think. His actions can very well make matters worse or irreparable. I know what I'm talking about. My parenting skills were weak, and only through loving and forgiving family members were things smoothed out.

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