Court TV

Personal interests can surprise people. While one individual might enjoy an extreme sport, another might spend his free time practicing some kind of new meditation practice. Most folks, however, don’t engage in such serious hobbies. To the chagrin of my wife Amy, one of my favorite activities is watching court shows on television. Yes, I’m a “Judge Judy” groupie. I also enjoy “Judge Joe Brown,” “Judge Mathis,” and “People’s Court.” Is it educational broadcasting? No. Is it interesting? Definitely!

Judge Judy reminds me of my mother. Both women are cut-and-dry people. They don’t suffer fools at all. Mother always believed that two sides existed of any situation: right and wrong. Choosing the right is what people are supposed to do unless they are mentally incapable of knowing the difference between the two.

Judy Sheindlin is a Jewish lady with plenty of chutzpah. For twenty-five years, she’s served as a judge in family courts, and now she serves in what is undoubtedly the most popular court room in America. Each day, her show airs at 9:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. Episodes included a variety of cases covering a myriad of complaints. Civil courts are open to strange people with ridiculous claims, and Judge Judy airs some of the most ridiculous.

Some say they feel sorry for the people who appear before Judge Judy. I have not the slightest sympathy for them. For one, these folks have viewed the program enough times to know what goes on. Second, for some reason they sign up to appear on a show that will air across the nation. Third, they bring to courts cases that are absurd. My take on it is they deserve to be verbally flogged by Judge Judy for being so ignorant. Hey, these folks exchanged their dignity for the price of a plane ticket, hotel room in California, and $100.00. Yes, they might even win their cases and receive a cash settlement paid by the show’s producer. That happens about 40% of the time. It’s not enough for me to look like a fool to millions of viewers.

What I like best about this feisty woman in a judge’s robe is her attention to details. In most cases she cooks a person’s goose in its own grease. She listens intently to what people says and then uses their words to destroy their cases. She also uses common sense. One of her favorite expressions is “If it doesn’t make sense, it’s not true.” She’s caught hundreds who appear before her in boldface lies.

Sheindlin also is prone to name calling. Among her favorites are “moron, idiot, and fool.” She holds nothing back, and some people declare that she’s too mean to those who appear on the show. All someone who objects to her attacks needs to do is watch a few episodes of the show. Before long, they’ll declare that Judge Judy has hit the nail on the head by referring to folks with those names.

I make no apologies for liking “Judge Judy.” It’s closer to “real TV” than some of the other so-called reality shows. It’s about time that we called on the carpet those whose frivolous lawsuits are without merit. I only wish I could get Nashville stations. They air three straight hours of court television Monday through Friday. I need to go now because before long, the court shows will be on the television.

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