Dads, don’t despair. Our children love us completely as
well. They look to us for protection against the scary things under the bed;
we’re the ones who serve as bucking bronco rides in the living room
floor in
the evenings. Our sons look to us as the role model for their lives. If
something breaks, it is we dads who puts the item back together with glue and
duct tape.
Still, the moms of this world are the folks who make life
all right. When we were small, moms took care of us when colds or earaches or
stomachaches attacked. They administered doses of medicine, and supplemented
them with long hugs. Soothing hands rubbed our backs or heads, and laps
provided comfortable places to ease the throbbing in our heads.
Mothers are the ones we went to when problems in school
arose. Dads would more often prepare for war with anyone who troubled their
children, but moms had a better tactic. They simply listened without saying a
word to our woes, and let us tell all the horrible things details. Then, those
women assured us. What followed were either words of sympathy or suggestions
for dealing with the problem. On some occasions, moms traveled to the school,
and there they expressed in the clearest of terms what they expected to be done
to resolve any bad situation.
We men take home our girlfriends or fiancées to meet the
family. Many times, those visits are made so that that our mothers can conduct
the “smell test.” We want our moms to like the girls we’ve fallen in love with
because, no matter what is admitted, what the women of our homes like matters
to us. The lasts thing men want is to live in the middle of a mother and
daughter-in-law battle. It’s a no win situation.
Most of all, children want to make their moms proud. Through
so many years, those women worked to teach us what is wrong and right. They
instructed us about making our lives full with a balance of
work and fun. Most
of all, moms tried to encourage us to live life on our own terms and never to
let someone else have sway over our thoughts or actions.
Not a day goes by that I don’t miss my mother. I wish I
could have just one more time to sit with her and hear her voice. I’d tell her
“thank you” for all the sacrifices that she made for my two brothers and me,
especially after our dad died when we were teens. My dear wife has sometimes
wondered if she has been a good mother, but that question is always answered
when Lacey and Dallas parrot the words that she spoke. At other times, they let
her know that she has been successful by the way they make decisions and live
their lives.
Our moms are blessings from the good Lord. I hope everyone takes
a minute to remember them or to tell them how much they mean. Mothers deserve
such high and worthy praise.