The use of this weapon in no way protected anyone’s family.
Instead, the gunman used the assault weapon to mow down as many innocent
students and teachers as he could in a limited amount of time. Perhaps he had a
grudge against a teacher who had been in some way responsible for his expulsion
from the school. Maybe he had felt bullied by another student, or maybe he just
felt that the school had disrespected him in some way. So, instead of dealing
with such difficulties with the help of someone else, the killer decided to
wreak havoc and slaughter as many individuals as possible.
Guess what! No excuse for killing is acceptable in this
instance. What is even less acceptable is that his buying an assault rifle was
easier than buying a handgun. Yes, he bought this weapon legally. The question
is what in the name of sanity is this country doing by allowing an 18 year-old
to buy an assault rifle.
I defend the rights of individuals to own guns to protect
their families or for hunting purposes. However, I will never believe that any
person has the right to have possession of an assault rifle. The logical
question is for what purpose does anyone use such a killing tool? Hunting with
it destroys the game that would be food. Target practice isn’t much of a
challenge when a weapon can disintegrate the object so completely. The only
reason for owning a gun is that an individual is ready and willing to kill
another human. The kicker is that a handgun or shotgun or single shot rifle can
bring about the same results in the hands of a trained gun owner.

At the same time, this country needs to look seriously at
taking assault weapons out of circulation. This is not an invasion of anyone’s
rights to bear arms; it’s action to remove guns from our society that serve no
purpose other than to kill. America represents about 4.5% of the world’s
population, but we own nearly half of all the guns on the planet. Removing one
type of weapon and the kits that can be used to make weapons semi-automatic
will still leave plenty of guns for self-defense and sport.
The NRA would have us all believe that any attempt to limit
guns is the first step in taking away all guns and our sacred rights. Logic
tells us that simply isn’t true. Trying to remove assault weapons from
circulation and doing a better job on background checks are steps to make our
world a safer place without firing a single round. We have nothing to lose but
much to gain?