New Years’ night, I made one of several trips outside so
that Sadie could either take care of her business or so that she could sniff
the ground where pesky rabbits had sat recently. The frigid temperature frosted
the grass, and when I turned on the outside lights, my yard looked more like a
field sprinkled with diamonds. It was a scene that made me smile, and that just
doesn’t happen too often during winter.
I do look forward to the first day of winter, however, for
one reason. After it exits, each day’s light last just a bit longer. The
countdown to Daylight Savings Time begins, and I gladly give up an hour of
sleep to have longer time outside. If I were the president, my first act would
be to make DST permanent.
The only thing good about this brutal season is that it
brings snow that closes the schools for a day or two. Snow-covered fields and
yards are beautiful, and the way the white lights up the nights has always
fascinated me. With that said, I don’t much like wintry precipitation. The best
snow days when I taught full time had enough accumulations to close schools,
but the stuff disappeared by 10:00 a.m. as the sun beat down on it.

Wearing layers of clothes to keep warm is another bummer
part of winter. A shirt, sweater, and coat
bind my arms so much that performing
simple things is difficult. Most of the time, I wear shorts and a t-shirt from
spring through fall. Then I give in and pull on sweat pants. Having to put all
those extra clothes on feels like carrying a lead weight.
I’ve been told before that the only way to escape winter is
to die. That’s a bit too drastic for me. So, I’ll grin and bear the season. As
I age, the cold doesn’t bother me like it once did. Someone told me that nerve
endings in senior citizens aren’t as receptive so that things like cold and
pain aren’t so intense.
I’ve also been told that I should be thankful for each and
every day that I have on this planet. Don’t doubt for a second that I am not
grateful for each breath I draw. I just wish I didn’t see them rise from my
body as I stand in the cold temperatures of winter. Breathing some place like
the Bahamas might better suit me during this most dreaded season. Of course,
that would require more cash than I’ll ever have, so, the best thing for me to
do is live with it. Brrr!