Not long ago, a group of teens traveled to the
Smoky Mountains for a retreat. While they were lounging in the cabin, the boys
in the group noticed an unusual item is one of the bathrooms. A bidet sat
prominently in the room, and the boys were quickly fascinated with its
operations. They pronounced the name of the things as “BO-DAY.”
Before long, the chaperones locked the bathroom and refused to allow the
boys to continue playing with the thing and making up stories about it. This
story is just another example of the goofy stunts boys pull.
Many times, a group of boys decides the time is
right for a camping trip. Most of the journeys take the gang to the backyard of
one of its members. In the country, the trip might be much farther from the
house. They set up tents, collect wood for a fire (hoping that they can
actually get the stuff to burn), and spend some time laughing at jokes or
telling ghost stories. These guys like nothing better than catching a
participant asleep. Shaving cream is placed in the unconscious boy’s hand and
tickles with a weed or feather are administered to his nose. With any luck, the
sleeping boy will take his hand to rub his nose, thereby smearing his face with
said shaving cream. If the trick works, the rest of the crew drops to the
ground in stomach-aching laughter.

Drinking alcohol is another area where boys
commit boneheaded acts. So many times, a
male’s first drink comes amidst a dare
just to taste the stuff. Next comes the chugging game, and before a guy knows
it, he’s commode-hugging drunk. On occasion, a boy is suckered into a drinking
game where he consumes too much alcohol. The resulting spinning room, dry
heaves, and hangover come thanks to his daring band of friends.
Some boys are fascinated with stunts involving
personal acts. How unbelievably dumb is it for a boy to have someone strike a
match and hold it toward his behind as he passes gas? Ooh’s and aah’s and wows
follow as a blowtorch flame appears. Never mind the possibilities that the
flame might run the other
way. Or what about the old knife game called
“chicken.” One person throws a pocketknife into the ground as close to
another’s foot as possible without stabbing it. The loser is the boy who hits
his competitor’s shoe. Actually, the one with the knife sticking in his foot is
the loser.
Boys just don’t have the brain development to
make rational decisions. Perhaps the first flows of testosterone drown reason
in younger males. At any rate, part of the rites of passage for males is
committing a handful of dumb stunts. With luck, those boys survive the acts to
become adults who have more ability to think reasonably. At least we can hope
that is the case.